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A Best-in-Breed Approach to ESG Software? It’s Not That Simple.

Quick Summary:

This article highlights the complexities involved in evaluating sustainability software options, covering aspects such as compatibility, administrative burden, security risks, and cost factors.

It advocates for careful consideration between multiple vendor solutions and integrated ones, suggesting that a single unified solution may be more practical for many organizations to meet their ESG and sustainability needs effectively.

Due to increasing ESG-related regulations and a growing awareness and emphasis on sustainability, businesses are under more pressure than ever to demonstrate their commitment to responsible practices.  

Traditional manual-based sustainability management methods such as Excel spreadsheets are being abandoned as companies realize that the only way to truly thrive and succeed in this sphere is with modern digital solutions. 

Navigating the market of sustainability software solutions can be a complex affair given the abundance of options, from promising start-ups, to tried and trusted industry standbys, and household names. In some cases, software vendors will team up to cover each others’ weaknesses, and present their multi-vendor solution as a “best-in-breed” approach.  

This can present a unique set of challenges, however, and companies should know that successfully doing so requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Oftentimes, multi-vendor solutions add enough complexity to negate the advantages that customers may expect from using strong, yet narrowly focused, best-in-breed options.  

The appeal of multi-vendor solutions

You want the best results, so why not go for the products that claim to be the best in specific areas? Like building a sports team, putting together all the highest-paid players doesn’t always work out; there needs to be cohesion, and each part doesn’t always perform as expected.  

A  best-in-breed solution may promise a tailored approach to deliver on your business’ specific needs, but it’s really promising you a group of point solutions that have differing agendas – the real risk when compared to an end-to-end solution from a single vendor.  

Complexities and considerations

Taking a best-of-breed solution and software partnership approach unveils various complexities, including the following: 

Compatibility and integration

While ‘cherry-picking’ the best solutions remains an enticing prospect, one of the primary hurdles associated with doing so concerns compatibility and integration. Each solution may be built on different software architectures, use dissimilar underlying technologies, and adhere to varying formats or standards. 

Without the right knowledge and technology resources, making a portfolio of software work seamlessly together can be a difficult and frustrating task. Updates or changes made by one vendor may inadvertently disrupt the functionality of other components, leading to system instability or downtime. 

As the size of the software portfolio expands beyond two vendors, the level of complexity and risk increases. Ensuring seamless communication and data flow between different software systems requires considerable technical knowhow, careful IT infrastructure planning, and quite possibly custom development work. 

Software upgrades

Similarly, the inevitable need to perform software upgrades has the potential to create headaches for a business. After a significant investment of time and resources to ensure satisfactory compatibility and integration between software tools and platforms, a mandatory software update has the potential to set a business back again by introducing fresh challenges or issues that either did not exist or were painstakingly corrected in previous versions.  

In the context of partnerships, one might expect vendors to inform one another of major product updates, but this often gets overlooked and causes integration issues at the worst possible times. Once again, the more numerous the vendor solutions employed in this instance, the larger the potential for troublesome complexity. 

Administrative complexity

Not only can things become convoluted on a technical level but employing multiple vendor solutions introduces administrative complexity too. Procurement teams and relationship owners will need to manage multiple vendor agreements, each with their own terms, associated revenue model, renewal date, cancellation policy, support services and escalation procedure, vendor representative, etc.  

There is also the added potential challenge to determine who is responsible for addressing issues or providing support when problems arise. Coordinating and managing this amongst multiple vendors requires additional time and resources versus a single vendor solution. A question you may want to ask is, “If there is a fallout with one of the vendors, will you be happy to retain the other?” 

Security risks

Security risks form an important consideration as well. Integrating multiple software solutions increases the attack surface and the number of potentially vulnerable entry points for malicious actors, significantly increasing IT security complexity. Network administrators need to develop and set comprehensive network-wide security policies and procedures, but this task is significantly complicated by doing so across a multi-vendor portfolio. 

Vendor lock-in

Organizations may also feel a degree of vendor lock-in based on the effort they’ve invested learning and rolling out the system, but the harsh reality is these are sunk costs when you’re working with vendors that don’t satisfy your needs. 

Having spent valuable time and resources to integrate multiple solutions and achieve a harmonious balance, it’s understandably common to feel a reluctance to upset the status quo in the event that one or more software components underperform, are problematic, or ill-suited to purpose. In such instances, businesses may find themselves grudgingly living with sub-optimal solutions.  


Finally, there is the cost component to consider. Although working with multiple vendors may offer favorable pricing and service options, it can also lead to higher overall costs via ‘cost bloat’, a situation where costs end up exceeding the budgeted amount due to factors like scope creep, integration challenges, unforeseen vendor dependency and support costs, necessary customization and development work, and other challenges. 


While the prospect of selecting multiple software solutions to meet the various ESG-related needs across one’s business remains an appealing one, the choice comes with some serious items to consider.  

Businesses should properly evaluate whether they possess the resources and motivation to introduce the complexity which can accompany multi-vendor solutions. For many, a single unified solution may be a better practical solution. 

By opting for a single vendor that provides an integrated suite of software solutions, organizations can streamline implementation, reduce integration complexities, and minimize the risk of compatibility issues.  

Furthermore, centralized support and accountability simplify management and troubleshooting processes, allowing organizations to focus their resources on strategic issues instead of potentially becoming mired in administrative and technological complexity. 

In deciding which to approach to follow, organizations owe it to themselves to carefully weigh the trade-offs based on their specific needs and priorities, and potentially look for a solution that can achieve more of what’s needed with a single platform and vendor relationship.  

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