ISO 9001 Quality Policy Statement
To satisfy the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and achieve our quality objectives, we shall:
- Establish and maintain a Quality Management System which satisfies international quality requirements
- Identify risks and implement appropriate actions to address any risks and opportunities associated with internal / external issues, and to meet the needs and expectations of interested parties
- Identify and comply as a minimum with all applicable statutory, regulatory and other requirements
- Set annual measurable quality objectives at strategic and operational levels across the organization and monitor the progress thereof, to ensure conformity of products, services, and the enhancement of customer satisfaction
- Provide reasonable resources to achieve our quality objectives and ensure all workers are fully competent to carry out their assigned tasks
- Control and continually monitor all services undertaken
- Remain committed to continual improvement through awareness and non-conformance reporting
- Address external complaints and acknowledge compliments to do ‘’Good Business’’
- Strive to continually improve our services provided through the use of this Quality Policy, quality objectives, performance evaluation including audit results, corrective action, management review and report thereon
- Maintain documented information as objective evidence to demonstrate compliance with the Quality Management System
- Review the Quality Management System, including the quality policy at planned intervals to ensure it is effective and achieving our quality objectives
The Management team is fully committed to the above and actively encourages a similar commitment by our employees and independent contractors at all levels.
A signed copy of the quality policy can be provided upon request.