Safety Management

Remove hazards and mitigate risk with a safety management system.

Most organizations in the world, especially those in designated “high-risk industries”, have some sort of “Zero Harm”, “Journey to Zero”, “Every person home safely every day” mantra that establishes the desired safety culture of the organization.

– Paul deKock- Founder and Chief Product Strategist

But How Does a Company Deliver On This Vision?

While it generally starts with leadership and effectively implemented management systems, software solutions like the IsoMetrix safety management system are critical in ensuring that effective safety culture runs from the front-lines to the boardroom.

The IsoMetrix safety management solution suite is comprised of many modules, which used in conjunction allow your organization to “manage your management systems” aligned to, for example, ISO45001.

Risk and Control Management

Incident Management






Empowering Your Employees

Used independently, or interdependently, these solutions empower your employees to capture and report upon safety and risk activities, allow supervisors and managers to effectively analyze, manage, and act on this information, and allow senior leadership and executives to make informed decisions around safety management, and to report externally to board members, investors, and other stakeholders.

Learn more about IsoMetrix Aurora